Output displayname and IP address for SCOMagents

Got bored – wrote this little thing to output FQDN and IPaddress for all Windows and UnixLinux agents in my lab environment.

Could be useful for some people maybe.

ipmo operationsmanager
$nixservers = get-scomclass -name "Microsoft.Unix.Computer" | Get-SCOMMonitoringObject
$winservers = Get-SCOMClass -name "Microsoft.Windows.Computer" | Get-SCOMMonitoringObject

    Write-host "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
    write-host "-------------------- Unix Computers and IPs ---------------------"
    Write-host "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
foreach ($nix in $nixservers) 

        write-host ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($nix) | foreach {echo $nix - $_.IpAddressToString})

    Write-host "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
    write-host "------------------- Windooze Computers and IPs ------------------"
    Write-host "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
foreach ($win in $winservers) 

        write-host ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($win) | foreach {echo $win - $_.IpAddressToString})

Thank god it’s Friday…


Find server OS with Powershell and TTL

This handy little thing will identify the Operating System on one or more servers, using the OS’s default TTL value as a trigger.
(Some OS’ uses different TTL values. Most of them are listed on this site.)

 $servers = "Server1","Server2" 

foreach ($server in $servers) 

$TTL = Test-Connection $server -Count 1 | select -exp ResponseTimeToLive

        {$_ -le 64} {"$server runs Linux OS"; break}
        {$_ -le 128} {"$server runs Windows OS"; break}
        {$_ -le 255} {"$server runs UNIX OS"; break}

– F