Powershell Ping

This neat little thing wil test connection for a list of pingable DNS names (URLS, switches, servers, computers, whatever), and output the result in a list with the objects IP address(es).
If the ICMP ping does not reach the object, it outputs this and jumps to the next object on its list.



$servers = gc "C:temppingme.txt"

write-host "::::::::::::::::::::::::::"
Write-host ":: Testing Connectivity ::"
write-host "::::::::::::::::::::::::::"
   foreach ($s in $servers) {
     if(!(Test-Connection -Cn $s -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -ea 0 -quiet))
        {write-host "Problem connecting to $s" -foregroundcolor “yellow”}
        {write-host "Connectivity tested OK on $s." "IP:"([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($s)) -foregroundcolor “green”}}


– F

Find server OS with Powershell and TTL

This handy little thing will identify the Operating System on one or more servers, using the OS’s default TTL value as a trigger.
(Some OS’ uses different TTL values. Most of them are listed on this site.)

 $servers = "Server1","Server2" 

foreach ($server in $servers) 

$TTL = Test-Connection $server -Count 1 | select -exp ResponseTimeToLive

        {$_ -le 64} {"$server runs Linux OS"; break}
        {$_ -le 128} {"$server runs Windows OS"; break}
        {$_ -le 255} {"$server runs UNIX OS"; break}

– F